We are deeply committed to the training of Methodist pastors and lay people. 37% of our student body is made up of students from various Methodist traditions. We also offer every class required for ordination in the UMC and we are listed as “an approved graduate theological Seminary” by the University Senate of the UMC. We also offer […]
Rev. Deborah Suddarth to Speak at MHOS Student Lunch on November 10
There will be a MHOS student luncheon from 11:30 – 1 p.m. on Nov. 10 in the Brockwell Room, Founders Hall. Rev. Deborah Suddarth, Executive Pastor at Collierville United Methodist Church, will be the featured speaker. Please, join us!
Joseph T. Reiff to Present Lowrie and Ingram Lectures on October 11-12
Dr. Joseph T. Reiff, Shelton Professor of Religion at Emory & Henry College in Abingdon, VA, will be presenting the Lowrie and Ingram Lectures on October 11-12. His lectures will revolve around his new book, Born of Conviction: White Methodists in Mississippi’s Closed Society, which is the first study of the “Born of Conviction” statement which was signed by twenty-eight white […]