St. John’s United Methodist Church, in collaboration with the Methodist House of Studies at Memphis Theological Seminary, invite you to come on Saturday February 25 from 8 am – 12:30 pm for a time of prayerful discernment, discussion, idea sharing and witness making as we reflect upon the impact of violence upon our communities.The featured speakers are Bishop Sally Dyck and Biship Bill McAlilly.The event will be held at St. John’s UMC (1207 Peabody Ave; Memphis, TN). Please register through the Facebook event found on the St. John’s United Methodist Church – Midtown Memphis page (
Full Description:
What is the Church’s role in making a faithful response? Is it not our charge to do so? Calling upon the cry of Rachel found in scripture who refused to be comforted because “her children are no more,” what ways do we as “people called Methodists” find ourselves no longer resigned to the reality of violence as the way things are, but rather refuse to accept that violence is the way things shall be?
We are blessed to have with us Bishop Sally Dyck, of the Northern Illinois Conference, and Bishop Bill McAlilly, of the Memphis Conference to help frame our day. These bishops preside over Memphis and Chicago, major metropolitan centers where record incidences of violence and homicide impact more and more lives, more and more families, more and more children of God.
When shall we “refuse to be comforted?” And what shall we do as followers of Jesus to make a different path, a different way?
Framed from their own experiences of violence on their lives, Bishops Dyck and McAlilly will give participants a charge to keep finding ways to live into the “things that make for peace.”
Participants will come away with a working document reflecting the collaborative efforts of our day with the expectation that some ideas will resonate with your communities of faith and can be implemented.
Please register through the Facebook event found on the St. John’s United Methodist Church – Midtown Memphis page ( CEU credits available.